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ITC: Open Mic

Stay Tuned for a Possible Rescheduled Date
This ITC event will be very casual, with no specific theme. Who knows what fun rabbit-holes we may find ourselves exploring!

Only 10 spots available, so reserve your place in the conversation now.

*IN THE CORNER events are free, but if you want to help offset the cost of hosting these conversations, you can donate through the button in the next section, or donate via Venmo. Username: @Dewveall 

Previous events


ITC: Surviving Election Year

(CST, UTC-06) (CST, UTC-06)


Conversation and music about mental health and politics.

In The Corner w/ J. Dewveall - War

(CDT, UTC-05) (CDT, UTC-05)


Tickets are $10. This helps me cover the cost of the annual Zoom subscription and streaming equipment.

Suggested Donation: $10, but any amount is greatly appreciated!

Enter the amount you wish to donate


The minimum tip is $0.00

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IN THE CORNER is a place for reflective and curious souls to come together and explore life's big questions with authenticity and open-mindedness. If this resonates with you, join my mailing list to stay updated about future conversations.

Join J. Dewveall's Mailing List


About In The Corner

My whole life, I’ve been the guy who sneaks off into a corner at parties and finds one or two people to talk with the whole night. That’s just who I am. I’m a sucker for good conversation. 

In addition, I write music about many difficult topics, such as depression and hope, faith and lack thereof, politics, and justice. We’ve all seen how difficult it is to have meaningful conversations about these topics on social media, and I wanted to start finding ways to talk about these things. They’re hard conversations, but we must learn to have them again respectfully. 

So I invite you to join me IN THE CORNER. 

The idea is to shake up the typical online show format and turn it into something more intimate. It’s not about getting to know me but about getting to know each other. 

There will be one topic per show. I’ll play a few songs, sometimes centered on the theme, and in between songs, we’ll all share thoughts and discuss. 

For the time being, these musical conversations are held on Zoom. They are limited to ten people per show to have some good discussions. Don’t worry; we can always add extra shows for certain topics in demand. 

I really hope you join me IN THE CORNER soon.